úterý 18. května 2010


Loni byla moje zahrada tak krásná. Tento rok je tak chladno a prší neustále, že nezbývá nic jiného než prohlížet loňské fotografie...:-(

4 komentáře:

  1. You have the most beautiful garden! I would love for my garden to look as lovely as yours!

  2. Thank you Connie. I would again like to be such a great artist like you. Plant a flower each, to paint beautiful pictures? This is only for the elect. Good luck at work.

  3. J.B.
    Your gardens are lovely!

    You have a wonderful style of painting and I would love to see paintings that you have done of your gardens.

  4. Hello Steven. Thank you very much for your visit and compliment. My English is very weak so I'm not sure that second part of your comment. Well I think it says that you would like to see something that I painted from my garden. I am sorry to disappoint you. I paint with very little time. There are things that I have not tried, or I just do not paint. Gardens is one of a long series :-))). Also, I'm attracted, but not as I do not have any success. I painted only in our park fountain. But that is not very good. You can see here. http://alexandrapainting.blogspot.com/2010/05/in-park.html
    Have a nice day
